How do i hide the "Marketing by Active Campaign" text on Forms

Hey Team,

I have 2 forms “live” which I’m using as landing pages to collect email addresses in exchange for a Lead Magnet.

How can I hide the “Marketing by Active Campaign” text at the bottom of the form? It really takes from the whole look and I just don’t think it’s necessary there. If anything, it’s a deterrent for people to sign up.

If I don’t get sign ups, I don’t have a list - if I don’t have a list, then honestly I don’t need active campaign

so how can I get rid of it?

Many thanks.


Take note that to hide AC Branding in forms, you have not to be in Lite Plan.

If you are in the rest of Plans, you can hide it following these steps:

  1. Go to Forms
  2. Go to “Style” Tab
  3. Go down to “Show ActiveCampaign Branding”
  4. Active the button to hide it.


Raul Abad