How do I create and edit a stage?

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How to add a stage to your pipeline

  1. Click "Deals on the left menu.
  2. Click the pipeline dropdown and select the pipeline to which you want to add a new deal.
  3. Click the “Add Stage” button .
  4. An “Add a Stage” modal will open.
  • Type the name of the stage into the field provided
  • Click a header color to represent the stage
  1. Click the “Add” button when finished.

The new stage will be added to the far right of your pipeline. You can drag it to a different spot in your pipeline.

How to edit a stage

You can edit the following properties for any stage in a pipeline:

  • Stage name
  • Stage header color
  • Card width
  • Card appearance

To edit a stage:

  1. Click Deals on the left menu.
  2. Click the pipeline dropdown and click the pipeline containing the stage you wish to edit.
  3. Click the gear icon located in the stage header.
  4. Click the “Edit this stage” option.
  5. The “Stage Options” modal will open. You will be able to make changes to the following for each stage:
  • Name
    Provide a new stage name by typing it into the field provided.
  • Header Color
    Select a different header color for your stage. Each stage has a color in your pipeline.
  • Width
    Use this option to adjust how wide the stage should appear in your pipeline.
  • Deal Sorting
    Here you can choose how deals should be sorted. You can choose to sort deals by the following, in either ascending or descending order:
    • Contact Name
    • Account
    • Deal Title
    • Next Action Needed (selected by default)
    • Win Probability calculation
    • Deal Age
    • Deal Score
    • Contact Score
  • Card Appearance
    Here you can choose how deal cards will display when viewing a pipeline. We’ll default to display the deal name, contact name, account, when the following action is due, and deal value. However, you can display up to four of the following items instead, in any order, by hovering your mouse over any of the Card Appearance options and clicking the dropdown box that appears :
    • Next Action
    • Win Probability
    • Deal Title
    • Deal Value
    • Contact and Organization
    • Contact
    • Organization
    • You also have the option to hide any of these items from the deal card appearance.
  1. Click “Save” when finished.