How can one set a custom contact field of type "Date Time" (not "Date") to the current date & time in an automation?

Hello ActiveCampaign Community,

How can one set a custom contact field of type “Date Time” (not “Date”) to the current date & time in an automation?

Setting “Date” fields to the current date (without the time) is easy, because you simply need to add an “Update contact field to ‘’” action to an automation, then when it opens simply choose “current time” from the “New content” dropdown list.

Attempting to do the same thing for a “Date Time” field, but setting it with the current date & time (a simple timestamp) doesn’t seem to work the same way, because when I add an “Update contact field to ‘’” action to an automation, there is no dropdownlist with “current time”. There is only a blank textbox, and I don’t know what to type into it to set the custom contact field of type “Date Time” to the current date & time.

Thanks in advance!


UPDATE: I contacted support about this. Here is the relevant part of their response:

Right now our custom fields do not yet support time like it does date. Here is a list of the types of fields we do support

I do agree that it would be a useful feature to have. I recommend that you input this as a feature request for our product development team to review on

There was already a feature request for this here:

I upvoted it. Please consider upvoting this as well if this is important to you.



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Upvoted this… It would be a really useful feature!