How can I merge Accounts on ActiveCampaign?

My integration is adding certain new accounts via an import. How can I merge the 2 accounts? Both contain unique sets of data in the fields and I’d love if I could automate it.

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Hi Ayesha, this is a great question! There currently isn’t a tool designed to merge accounts or a way to automate a field transfer. The current best method would be to manually update account fields. This is a great idea for a feature, though. If you want to suggest this as a feature to the ActiveCampaign Product Team, you can submit the idea here:
Not only will it be viewed by the team, but it can be upvoted by other ActiveCampaign users and can help get more eyes on it.


Anyone else facing this issue, you can upvote here: Login - ActiveCampaign

Thanks @ctiberio I hope we see this being prioritized. At my wit’s end trying to clean up data between accounts.

Also I see 2 earlier tickets raised for this (one in 2021, another in 2023). Wondering if there are any workarounds shared for these tickets to fix account duplication.

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Hi @brandlockio from what I can tell, it was a manual process for them as well. Maybe there is a way to work with your integration to see if the import process can be updated so it doesn’t create duplicates? What is an example of a duplicate? Maybe there’s a way to work with it that way.

The fault is the integration not checking before creating and/or not using consistent account naming, as you can’t create two accounts with the same name.

Make sure you don’t have variability in however that part of your process works.

Hey there. How do we create this check? An example is the screenshot attached where you can see that while the domain name is the same, the data is different. Can we create a check to identify if an account exists using the domain name?

Manually query before creating.

I could do some abstract work with a database stored outside of AC, but you need to iron your process out manually. Why is the first account saved with the business name rather than the company name? that’s a process issue that needs to be corrected.

you’re looking for a hardware problem to a software solution.