How can I include Contact ID as a column within my CSV export of my contacts?

I’ve searched around and haven’t found how to do something really basic that I assumed would be the default behavior:

I want to see the Contact ID of each contact row in the exported CSV file.

How can I do that?


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This isn’t currently possible with our export feature. I’ve added this thread to our open feedback item we have to get this functionality added.

Thanks, Brian. When will this be added? Can I subscribe to that ticket so that I can stay up to date on it?

In the meantime, is there some bit of code I could run (maybe using to get a table of ALL of my contacts (email addresses alongside their contactID)?

I really need to be able to export contactId… especially since ActiveCampaign’s “Contact Updated” webhook has been broken for at least 22 days with no progress on its repair.


There might be some kind of workaround solution. I’m going to tag @jskole and see if he has any guidance for you.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Contact update webhook