Help with lead scoring?

I sell information products related to a specific health condition. The information products cover various types of exercises for the health condition.

I’m in the process of revising my autoresponder sequence for prospects after receiving complaints that I’m trying to sell my paid products too soon. So I’m revising the sequence to educate my prospects before going for the sale.

My new auto sequence will direct prospects to web pages with instructional videos, a downloadable free report, and text content. This content will include free sample exercises.

This leads to a few basic questions I have about lead scoring:

  1. How many points should I assign to each action (e.g. clicked from email to web page; viewed video; download free report; etc)?

  2. How long should I wait before triggering a sales message? Assuming that a sales message will be triggered based on lead score, I’m trying to figure out what score will be high enough to trigger a sales message.

  3. Have there been any AC webinars on setting up/best practices for lead scoring?

Appreciate any advice from seasoned lead scorers!

Hi Moe!

We have this guide that might be helpful:

Distributing points is the tricky part of scoring. Ideally, you’d distribute points on the basis of the strength of a statistical correlation between a behavior and conversion. That kind of statistical analysis is out of reach for most of us so the next best thing might be looking at it like dividing up a circle. All the rules add up to 100 and you’re slicing up the pie. The most important behaviors get a bigger slice. This will keep you from creating a score that gets bigger and bigger over time. Excel or Sheets would be good tools for planning this.

For engagement related points, make sure you have them expire so that someone doesn’t have an inflated score from two years ago.

Another piece of advice I would give is to be as specific with your rules as possible. For instance, rather that just giving out points every time someone views a webpage, give out more points for visiting a pricing page, for example.

I’m sure other people in the community have some good recommendations as well!

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Thanks very much for the tips, @Brian.

Two questions about the following statement:

  1. What do you mean by “engagement related” points - do you mean points that are assigned based on behavior (e.g. email clicks, web page visits, etc.)?

  2. How do I set it up so the points “expire”? I didn’t see that mentioned in the lead scoring guide.

One other question:

  1. My funnel is pretty straightforward, and only consists of a few types of web pages: article page; sales page; cart page; thank you page. I’d appreciate any advice on the specific number of points to assign to each type of web page.

Here’s where you set the expiration on points:

I’m going to do some thinking on how you score page visits and get back to you later.


Engagement related points are points distributed for behavioral activity. The assumption is that the more engaged a contact is with your website and campaigns, the more likely they are to be considering a purchase. The expiration is important because someone might have been very active a long time ago leading to an inflated score. But if they’re no longer engaging with your website or campaigns, it’s unlikely they are going to convert.

Points you’d want to expire would be ones given out per page visit or per campaign open or per campaign link click.