HELP! Need automation to keep pushing contact forward if entered after some wait dates

I am holding a webinar in a couple weeks. I started with the Webinar automation template, which had goals in it. I thought I set it up correctly, but today my first registrant got the 10 min before webinar starts email, which was supposed to send almost 2 weeks from now. But it doesn’t look like it sent them all, just that one.

Now I started deleting the goals from the automation and just using wait commands. But now I’m concerned that if there’s a wait until a certain date which has already passed when the contact registers, will they keep moving on until the next wait date hasn’t happened yet, or will they get stuck there.

What’s the best way to set up an automation for reminder emails to go out at certain dates and times, but also enter potentially mid-automation and be funneled to the right spot in the automation?

Maybe I’m over-thinking this but I’m panicked now that I opened registration and it’s already not working right. I have 3 webinars with 2 automations each set up and I fear none of it’s right.

Here’s what I have not that I started taking out the goals and just setting times:

(I don’t think you can really see what my settings are from these.)

I looked through the forum and help articles but I’m not finding this information quickly and the more time that passes, the more contact that are in the automations wrong and receiving emails.

Hi Penny!

Sorry to hear this one is still giving you some trouble. This is a pretty complex automation and I think it’s going to be difficult to fix it up over the forum. I’m going to send you a DM with a solution.

Thanks! I actually just scheduled one while waiting for a response.

Can you send me that DM? I have the same questions as Penny - I’d love to set up our stuff this way instead of using Campaigns. :wink:

Hey @stellaorange. I DM’d her an invite to schedule a one-on-one with our success team so that they could work with her on how to configure that automation over a screenshare. It was just too complex to try to do that over the forum.

If you’d like to schedule a one-on-one, you can do that here:

This is a common thing with webinars…is there a good standard way to approach this? Since the date of the original post, is there an update?