Help! Filter people who purchased X in a timeframe


I’ve already talked to support about this but was hoping the hive mind may have a workable workaround.

Basically, we’re trying to select contacts who purchased product X in the last 12 months. We have woocommerce integrated.

The date filter condition is straightforward,
“Order date” “is on or after” “mm/dd/yyyy”

The issue is with the product filtering.

“Product name in any order” - pulls anyone who purchased product X at any point in time and also made a purchase in the given time period, not useful

“Last product name” - excludes people who purchased product X in the time period, but purchased something else since.

Ideally there would be a filtering option with two parameters:

“Product name” in “order date”

But that is not available right now.

Any workaround ideas?


Hey there! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

As of right now, once you have the integration with your store, you should have access to even more options to filter contacts using the advance search. Under “ecommerce” you’ll see conditions such as: “has made a purchase”, “last order date/time” and many others. To learn more about the advanced search, click HERE.

Now, if you are looking for other specific options, feel free to share them with our dedicated idea portal where you can submit your ideas directly to our technical team. Here’s the link: This will ensure that your ideas are channeled to the right people, and your insights contribute to the evolution of ActiveCampaign.

The advanced search doesn’t allow for “last time product name was ordered”, you can search for the time when last order was made, and if they purchased a product, but not if they purchased a particular product during a particular time frame.

We need to be able to ask “who purchased X during Y”

Basically we’re looking for nested filters.