Help! AC is spamming my lists! Automations triggered twice

I’m an ActiveCampaign newbie. We have several automations set up, and in several instances, contacts have landed in an automation twice, resulting in them getting multiple copies of every email in that sequence. What’s the best way to prevent them from being added more than once?

Hi @propelgrowth1,
One way to do this is to add a Segmentation to your trigger. Tick the Segmentation box and then select either the condition “Not currently in automation” or “Has not entered automation” and then select the automation you are editing. This would be useful for those automations that have a flow with wait conditions, meaning a contact could remain in the automation for a while.
Alternatively, if they might have finished the automation already, then use the “Has ended automation” option instead.
Here is a list of all the relevant options around automations which you can segment on.


I hope that helps.

when you create the automation you specify whether it runs more than once or just once. You select the option in the start trigger box