I’m using the ActiveCampaign plugin for WordPress to connect Gravity Forms with my AC forms. This is all working great when a contact is new to my list. But when a contact already on my main list tries to sign up nothing happens except GF lets me know the user signed up. The Gravity Form is set up to
- Sign into the main list
- add a particular tag
- opt in via a form that requires double opt in.
So Let’s say someone is a confirmed contact on my main list, and they want to sign up for another lead magnet, so they fill out the Gravity Form, and NOTHING happens. They don’t get tagged, they don’t get sent to the opt in form. Is AC blocking further action because the contact is already subscribed? I thought I could lose #3 above, and just tag them, but then can’t figure out how to activate the necessary web form in AC with just a tag trigger. Any advice appreciated!