Google Sheet field not populating from AC data

I use Google sheets to provide dashboards for my admins. It works fine except for one field. There is a custom field called “Membership” in both AC and Google. I’ve checked to make sure there isn’t a typo on the Google sheets. There is data in the AC field. I have it mapped using the CX-Google Sheets. All other fields in the mapping are working correctly except for this one field. What should I look for?
Holly Henry (KYGYW)

Hi @theamericancollege1. Hmmm. That’s an interesting one. Is it that no data is moved over the the sheet? What is the field type? Are there any non-alpha numeric characters in the field data?

Hi Shane,

The data is in AC but is not passed over to the sheet(s). It’s all alpha. No numbers, characters, etc. It will send it every once in awhile (rare occurrence) and when it does, it’s correct. However, 99.9% is not sent. AC had me reconnect Google Sheets this morning, to no avail.

I did make a new field this morning and reset everything that sent to that sheet, but that didn’t even work. The data is in AC correctly.

The automation these are running from (I have 49 of them) are completing at 100%. Nothing says it’s not going…it just does not show up on the sheet.

Any thoughts you have would be great. I’ve been running these for almost two years now and have not had this type or problem.

Thanks for answering! :slight_smile:

PS Also…I did try making a totally new automation. That didn’t help either.

(Editing my reply didn’t work… 403 error. Sorry for the second note)

I got nothing. Sounds like a ‘glitch’ with the integration. Have you submitted a support request? Once you have a ticket number, message it to @Mika or @MarissaZiegler and they’ll be able to follow it up for you. Best of luck with this one. Cheers.

Thanks again, Shane! I do have a ticket and Lui S is working on it. He’s supposed to get back with me tomorrow, so fingers crossed!

Have a great evening!

Glad you have a ticket already open. Please let me know if you do not receive a timely response and I can follow up!

Hi Mika,

I would LOVE any help I can get. This is a tough one…at least for me. Lui hasn’t had the chance to get back with me yet, but made the ticket yesterday. You can reach me via the main admin address in our system.

I sent back screenshots and documentation on the further testing I did yesterday. Hopefully, that helps show the picture of what’s going on more so than just chatting. :slight_smile:

Thank you for reaching out! And @Shane , thank YOU too for alerting me to @Mika ! :vulcan_salute: :metal:

Can you DM me your activehosted account name or ticket number? I’ll escalate internally!

Emailed you. Hope that’s ok.

Thank you so so much, @Mika !



Thank you so much for your help this afternoon! Lui got back in touch with me and figured out that I needed to add a “wait” action before the Google CX took off. It seems to be working now! I had tried that before, but it didn’t work. Evidently, between adding that and reconnecting Google, things are happy…as am I!

Thank you again! You too @Shane!

Have a great weekend!

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Wonderful! Happy it’s sorted!