Getting text about 'close spelling possible spelling mistake found' at bottom of campaigns

Hi folks

I keep getting this garbled message at the bottom of sent campaigns. Any advice?

Correct Basic Close Spelling Possible spelling mistake found. W ynne Ignore Correct Basic Close Spelling Possible spelling mistake found. S h elley K elley Ignore

Do you have a screenshot of this by chance?

I cannot upload an image here - getting an error message. Do you have an email I could send to?

You can email or you can DM me here.

Hey William,

Thanks for your patience as we’ve worked to reach back to you. I’ve never seen this strange text appear in a campaign automatically before, so I’d love to look into it further. I reviewed the campaigns sent on/around 1/30, but didn’t spot this issue in any of them when previewing. I’d need to take a look at the specific campaign you noticed this issue with to fully investigate. Could you please let me know the name of the campaign, or the campaign ID (visible in the URL when viewing the campaign overview report), so that I can take a closer look? Thank you so much!

Hi Phillip

Thanks. It’s not visible in the reports or when opening the campaign in a URL but can see it at the campaign bottom for the last 3 campaigns plus. Here’s the link to them:

Thank you, William.

I just took a look at the message preview in the campaign overview report, and I am seeing this appearing in the campaign: Zight 2025-02-10 at 4.13.23 PM. It looks like a module from the spellcheck tool “LanguageTool” has somehow become embedded in your campaign. That same module is visible in all the campaigns provided. You should be able to see it by going to any of the links you provided, and clicking “Message” on the left-hand nav bar.

Few questions to help zero in on the culprit:

  1. Are these campaigns created via a template? If so, which one?
  2. If not a template, are they created via duplicating already-sent campaigns?
  3. Are these emails created using the HTML code, or via the drag-and-drop designer?

Thank you and I look forward to getting to the bottom of this.

Ah that makes sense. To make the campaigns i’m just duplicating old ones, which would’ve originally been created from the drag’n drop designer. Guessing you’ll look for a way to remove this?

Got it, thanks for confirming. I’m definitely keen on getting that removed for you, I’ve never seen a spellcheck module tag along in an email like this before. Would you mind if I duplicate a campaign to take a look? Alternatively, you’re welcome to duplicate one yourself and point me to it - either way is totally fine, just whatever you prefer.

Please let me know, and I’ll take a look as soon as I’m back in tomorrow. Thank you!

Awesome thanks. I’ve duplicated a campaign for you, good luck.

Thank you so much, William.

I believe I have fixed the issue. I went into the email and removed the LanguageTool code from the campaign’s HTML code, which removed the rogue spellcheck modules. Can you please take a look at that draft to confirm?

If this ever appears again (or anyone in the future is reading this), the code was nested between <lt-card> and </lt-card> at the very bottom of the HTML code in the campaign’s code view. Screenshot for reference: Zight 2025-02-11 at 1.58.14 PM.

If all looks good on your end, I would suggest duplicating from this campaign specifically moving forward so that the issue doesn’t reappear.

Thank you again for your patience here, and don’t hesitate to give me a shout if there is anything else I can help with!

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Wonderful! Thanks so much for your help, really appreciate it.