GA4 Tracking


Since the implementation of Google Analytics, I would like to know how to track the submission of an ActiveCampaign form directly in GA4, in order to detect it as a conversion.

How can this be done? Do we need to add a piece of code to the form to track this, or is there a specific manipulation required?

Thank you!


@groupemedisys2 FOLLOWING

@groupemedisys2 and @catesauction Thanks for reaching out! I’m Abbie with ActiveCampaign. We currently support two types of integration for Google Analytics - most commonly, folks will use our integration for campaigns to track visitors and leads. You can also integrate Landing Pages with Google Analytics to track visitors there. We do not offer a direct integration for forms, but if you were to place your forms in a landing page, that type of integration should allow you to get a bit more data in GA. Otherwise, I would recommend using the form submit action to direct contacts to a page you can use to differentiate those who visited a page and submitted a form or did not. Just let us know if you have any follow up questions, and have a great afternoon! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, you can do it through events in Google TagManager, but honestly, in GA4, the best option for me to record conversions from registrations on forms is through tracking the thank you or confirmation page.

  1. In ActiveCampaign’s Form you must indicate the confirmation page.

  1. Create Event in GA4

  1. Create Key Event in GA4

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