“Forward a campaign” incentive to send the first email in a free drip email course

Hi everyone!

The subject says it all. At the end of the course, we want to reward people for sharing the email course with their friends via social and via email. It is on no use having their friends get forwarded the last mail.

Do we have to tell people to go back to the first mail and click the invite link there? It would be awesome if there was a way to do this in the final email of the course.

Thank you!

Hi Hal,

Just popping in here real quick. At this time, we don’t have a way to share a different campaign from inside the source campaign, in this case, the first campaign in your drip series from your last campaign. You would have to encourage them to find the initial email and share it.

If you would like to see this feature added, I would encourage you to submit the idea here: https://ideas.activecampaign.com/ideas/new. All submissions are reviewed by our Product team who are welcome to new ideas.

While we don’t currently have a way to forward a different email than the one the contact is currently in, there could be a potential way to automate it so that it is easier. You could build a short wait after the last campaign and then a Send an Email action that resends the first campaign. This would cause the contact not to have to go back and search for the initial email if they wanted to forward it to friends.

You would just want to let the contacts know to expect it in your last campaign so they don’t think they accidentally started the drip over.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have any other questions.

Thank you,

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Thank you Cody for the heads up!

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

You could use the Forward to a Friend link - this is tracked and this can be used to reward those who use it!

“Send to a Friend” is a personalised link that you can insert into any campaign or automation email. You can use it to encourage a list of contacts to share your content with their colleagues via email.

When a contact clicks the “Send to a Friend” link, a form will open. There, they can enter the email addresses and names of up to 10 “friends.” Once completed, the shareable web version of your campaign will be sent to those “friends.” We will track that forward action in your campaign reports

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!