Form with prefilled data and input range


I am new to AC. I am trying to find out if AC is for me.

My company wants many things, among them, a form we should send by email to a segment of our customers that looks something like this (wording still needs some work):

Hi {{Name}}!

We noticed you’ve been consuming up to {{GB}} GB per month.

This is above your current plan {{currentPlan}} so it incurrs on extra fees.

The {{suggestedPlan}} might be a better choice but you might also go up to {{biggestPlan}}. You can request an upgrade here:

{{currentPlan}} {{suggestedPlan}} {{biggestPlan}}
${{currentPlanPrice}} ${{suggestedPlanPrice}} $ {{biggestPlanPrice}}

So as you can see, i’d have to upload a list of clients, their emails, their current plan and the suggested and biggest plan for them and their prices.

Then send an email to them with a link with a URL like ?userID=xxx so that the userID then matches their name and plan data

On submission, I’d have a list of all clients who have requested a new plan

Is this sommething that can be made with AC?
I’ve tried using the forms but have many gaps as to how to do it.

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Hello @lukereiner48-2, :wave:
Yes, this is possible. Have a read of this article
Hope it helps. :blush:

Great article thank you

So it’s done using querystring

But this means the user can manually change the values in the URL… and sensible things might also be exposed

Any other way to do it more “internally”?

HI @lukereiner48-2,
Sorry, not that I know of. I have never actually tried this, just knew the possibility exists.
It is strange that the List subscription update feature works slightly differently, as there the existing data is automatically pulled into the form, and it is anonymised as well, i.e. the URL still has the references, but it is limited to c=123456, where C relates to the Contact ID it needs to pull data in for. See article

You could also post a feature request, if vote for one that exists already.

Sorry I could not be of more help. Perhaps someone else knows how to do it.

It is not obvious what other things might be exposed if you are simply using this technique to set default values. Does it matter if the user overrides them by editing the URL parameters, or by changing them on the form?

However, if that was critical to you then you could programme a web page which:

  1. receives some sort of unique ID (either a guid you generate or the contacts ActiveCampaign ID)
  2. Validates that ID (using whatever criteria/method you choose)
  3. Looks up the data in ActiveCampaign using the ActiveCampaign API
  4. Prepopulates that data into the form.
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