Form names on contact record

Hi, on most of the sites we create for clients we add forms on different pages, and we name them all, so that we can track the forms purpose and location to easily determine which are providing the highest conversions.
Eg: GetQuote-AboutPage
Is it possible for the form name that someone completed to be added to their contact record?
I know we can see who lists of people who completed each form in the forms tab, but we also want to be able to see this info in their contact record, particularly if they complete multiple forms.


Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

It is actually perfect that you are using different forms as this alone will tell you which form is attracting the highest engagement, but there are 2 ways you can have the name of the form being submitted passed to a custom contact field:

First option:
You will need:

  • Custom field. Call it something along the lines of: Form submitted (use a Dropdown-Type field)
  • Multiple automations - as many automations as there are forms

Here is the setup of the automations:

  • Start trigger: Submits a form > select a specific form
  • Update a contact: select the specific field that you created (in this example, we will select ‘form submitted’ > select the name of the form (in relation to the start trigger).

Example: Zight Recording 2024-05-08 ...

Second option:
You will need:

  • Hidden fields.

A hidden field can be used to pass information about contacts into your account when they submit your form. This field is not visible to your contacts. You can use a hidden field to collect information such as the name of the form being submitted and pass that to a field to display on the contact’s record.

To add a hidden field to your form:

  1. Navigate to Website > Forms.
  2. Locate the form you wish to work with, then click the “Edit” button.
  3. The form builder will load. All editing and style options will appear in the right pane. Click the “Fields” option on the right pane then click “My Fields.”
  4. Click the “Add a custom field” button.
  5. An “Add Field” modal window will open:
  • Type the name of the field into the “Field name” field
  • Click the “Group” dropdown then click the group that this field should belong to
  • Click the “Field Type” dropdown and click the hidden field option
  • Click the “Add” button

The field will be added to the Fields > My Fields section. You may need to scroll down the list of fields to see it. Once you locate the hidden field you just created, drag it to your form in the form builder.

Now that you have added a hidden field to your form, you may be wondering how exactly that field will collect information about your contacts. There are a few different ways to go about this:

Add a query string to your form’s URL

Adding a query string to your form’s URL will add a fixed value to your hidden field.

For example, let’s say I have a hidden field called “Hidden Field” in my form and the personalization tag for that field is %HIDDEN_FIELD%.

When a contact submits my form, I want that hidden field to display the value of “Test” on that contact’s profile page.

To do that, I would need to fetch the personalization tag for that field (go to Contacts > Fields) and remove the percent (%) signs.

Then I would grab my form’s URL: and append it with this: ?hidden_field=Test so that the form URL now looks like this:

To pass UTM parameters into a hidden field, create a hidden field then modify its associated personalization tag to use an underscore. This will make it match the URL parameter.

Add a fixed value to your full embed code

After adding your hidden field to your form, copy and paste the full embed code for the form to your site. Then, insert your fixed value for that hidden field into your form’s HTML code.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!