Firing automations based on URL parameters

I’d rather not create automations for every single instance of a link click to my website. Instead, it’s better to just create the automation with no staring point, and then fire it from the site itself. I believe that’s where event tracking comes in right? Because to use site tracking as an entry point for an automation I’d have to match the full URL, which won’t happen.

Are there any samples out there that will show how a website can look for a URL parameter and then start an automation?

Here’s an example outcome:
Email contains 3 links.

  • Link 1: when clicked, I want them tagged with Tag A
  • Link 2: when clicked, I want them tagged with Tag B
  • Link 3: when clicked, I want them tagged with Tag C

I have 3 automations set up:

  • Automation A: add Tag A
  • Automation B: add Tag B
  • Automation C: add Tag C

Through a mechanism that fires the Automation based on URL parameter, I can create links like this:

and keep the existing framework of these 3 automations. Hope this makes sense, and again, what I’m looking for is help identifying the best way to implement something like this (preferably with a sample)

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Pretty sure it has to be an exact match URL, i.e no parameters.

Yeah, that seems to be the case. Wondering if anybody has taken it to the next level through a web hook or some other custom scripting.

Hey Stephan. FWIW, this has been apart of AC Power Tools for quite some time. In regards to your custom dashboard, reporting, etc., this is in the works as well.

Automation start triggers can now use wildcards for page visits, so you can do something like*. That way you really can have just one automation for all of your page visits, or some subset of them based on where you put the wildcard.


yep, super happy about that

Hey has anybody tried double wildcards? Like * &value=1 * (had to add a space in between to bypass the forum markup)

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That should work without issue!

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Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

Automations can be set to trigger when a page is visited. Users also have the option to add a wildcard for any subpages on their site. If the wildcard is added after the path only subpages after the / will trigger. All paths before the (*) will not trigger this automation.

If a user is attempting to have the automation trigger for a specific subpage and any wildcards after it, you will need to use two start triggers.

The wildcard can be used anywhere in the URL, and more it can also be used than once. Example:*seminar/coaching

Another example would be if a user wanted to look for a specific phrase or word in a URL, that example would look like this: