Filtering by "has been sent" email?

I’d like to be able to create a segment based upon people who have/have not been SENT a particular email.

It’s clear how to segment based upon click/open activity, but I can’t find anything about segmenting based upon whether someone has been sent an email. Is there a way to do this?

I wanted to make sure I’m not just missing something before I submit it to the feedback forum.

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Hey @kadavy,

We do not have a way to achieve this - take a look at this piece of feedback (especially @John_Morrison’s comment)!


Thanks, Ted! I can see I already gave it my maximum of 3 votes back in October. Glad to see it’s being reviewed.

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Hi @Ted ,

Has filtering by has been sent/ has not been sent been implemented? There used to be a work around for this using both the has opened, and has not opened filters but this no longer seems to work. Any suggestions?
I tried to visit the link above but seem to be stuck in a redirect loop (going between and

We haven’t implemented a solution for this but the workaround you had been using with opens and clicks should still be working. What is happening now? Do you receive an error of some kind?

Hey! Customer Experience team here to update this post. This is possible for quite a while now, following the same steps from this article How can I find contacts that were sent a campaign? you’ll be able to check the options “Has been sent” or “Has not been sent” in the advanced search.