Facebook Ad / Pixel Tracking - Track Website Visits

I want to send people to my website from a Facebook ad, and follow their path. Send them to page #1, and then see how far they went through my sales funnel.

I have a warm market list: names and emails. I haven’t sent them an email campaign yet. I’d like to load that list into Facebook to create a custom audience. Once I have that audience, I’m going to create some very targeted Facebook ads. If I then direct them to my website from Facebook, will Active Campaign automatically track their website visits via my Facebook Pixel?


Following this thread as well.

Hey @arrwell,

If I then direct them to my website from Facebook, will ActiveCampaign automatically track their website visits via my Facebook Pixel?

It seems like you are confusing a few things here. ActiveCampaign doesn’t use a Facebook pixel for anything, but we do have our own Site Tracking. That might be what you are thinking of.

It is possible to track the website visits of your contacts using our Site Tracking. By default, we will track all of your contacts on every page as they browse your site.

If you want to see which of your contacts clicked on a Facebook ad, it is possible, but will depend on how you create the Facebook ad. We will naturally track the complete URL of a site visit – including utm parameters.

So if you build a campaign with a landing page of:


you will be able to segment your contacts by anybody that has visited a page containing:


or just utm_campaign=my-fb-campaign

The important thing I want to stress is that ActiveCampaign Site Tracking via our Site Tracking Snippet occurs independent of Facebook site tracking via the Facebook pixel.

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Hey @jskole, thank you very much for the reply.

It seems like you are confusing a few things here. ActiveCampaign doesn’t use a Facebook pixel for anything, but we do have our own Site Tracking. That might be what you are thinking of.

No confusion, but am I trying to think outside the box. But first, I’m making an assumption. Please correct me if I’m wrong. How does the Site Tracking associate a contacts browser to my contacts? Does it only work with contacts that have received an email from AC? If so, then creating brand new contacts, then sending them through a Facebook Ad campaign won’t associate them to my contact. If that isn’t the case, and your Site Tracking can pull contact details from their browser and create that association, amazing. You guys are wizards!

My thought with the Facebook Pixel was something along the lines of helping create that Site Tracking association using details from the Facebook Pixel. If you have a Facebook Pixel installed on your site, I’m pretty sure it will capture the users Facebook ID. Once AC has the Facebook ID, it can then query Facebook’s API to get basic information: name, email. Then, AC can easily use that information to create the association.

Am I over complicating things?

You are partially correct, ActiveCampaign Site Tracking will save all of your visitors sessions to the DB, but it isnt until they are identified that you are able to associate them with a contact.

For example, if you have a form on your site OR if you email them later and they click through, OR if you manually identify them by populating the trackcmp_email parameter (via login, etc) then from the moment the contact is identified Site Tracking will retroactively associate those previous sessions with the contact record.

As far as integrating with the Facebook Pixel in the way you describe, I don’t imagine that is something that we would pursue from our end (you are welcome to Feature Requests), but if you are confident that you can dig the FB ID out of the pixel cookie, then it could be possible to populate the trackcmp_email parameter on your own…

Great, thanks for the clarification.
Do you have any documentation on how to populate the trackcmp_email parameter?

Here are a few articles to start with.

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Now I am confused. Re: http://www.activecampaign.com/help/site-tracking-from-email-campaigns/

I was under the impression if someone clicked a link in an email, they were automatically identified from that point forward for site tracking. If that is true, why is this extra step necessary?

(NOTE: I am asking specifically about passing the email address to the URL from a link in an email. Isn’t that redundant?)

Hey @sync2crm,

I think that doc is a bit out of date. You are right, a contact will be identified when they click a link in an email. You can also identify them manually if you want - like on a login screen or from a pdf download/lead magnet.