Extra fields to be filled out - step 2

Hi all,
I am considering a floating box form on my website. I get the email address but I would also like to know their area of interest. Is there a step 2, an extra form, so that the customer can give me more information - information I need to get the automations started.

Any good ideas as to how I can solve this?


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If you would like more fields for your forms, you must first create where that data is going to be written to: Custom Fields.

You can create them through the api, or manually by clicking fields by LISTS → MANAGE FIELDS → ADD FIELD (Image 9-27-2022 at 4.38 PM)

Create your fields, and they will become available on a Contact. Then in your forms, those fields will be available to be added (Image 9-27-2022 at 4.36 PM).