Export list of contacts who opened email

Hello everyone. I’m looking for a way to export contacts who have opened my campaigns so I can follow-up with them through a snail mail brochure, phone call, etc.

Ideally, I would download in CSV or Excel so I can print mailing labels.

Is there a way to do this?

Hi @ronspanglermagic! I found a help article that explains exactly how to do this :slight_smile:


Hello. The help article details how to export for a single campaign. Is there a way to export a list of contacts who opened emails for multiple campaigns at once, maybe given a set of date parameters or by selecting multiple campaigns? Or, is it only possible do this for one campaign at a time?

Try this.
Contacts => Select Search contacts => Advanced search.
Select a condition Actions => Has opened and Any campaign.
Select Search.
Then export the results.
Hope that helps.


Perfect! Thank you Shane!

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