I don’t seem to find any means/methods to export/download my Tags list? Is it possible?
Hi, you can not export tags directly from Tags Page, but you can get them this way.
Via exporting Contacts and selecting “tags” as you can see in these screenshoots:
And then, in Excel or Google Sheets you can “play” with Tags (In use):
Thank you Raul - that worked. It’s a bit clunky, but served my immediate needs. I’ll be submitting an enhancement request for a direct download capability for things like Tags & List - as it’s much eaiser to manipulate in something like Excel.
An easier way to do this is to go to contacts>tags. Change the view in the lower right corner to show 100 rows. Then copy the list and paste into Excel. That way you also capture how many contacts have the tag and how many automations it’s used in.
I just did it. I have over 300 tags. It took me 30 seconds.
That’s a great work-around option - thanks! I do that frequently in other contexts - and don’t know why I didn’t think of it here
I have description text applied to my tags, which copies across appended to the end of the tag name itself. Is that something you experience as well?
I have a couple of options to clean that up, but it’s a few extra steps every time you want to update your list.
It came through for me too. Not ideal, but I don’t really worry about it.