Editing existing automation 'Wait for' time

I want to edit an existing automation to change the "wait for days’ to reduce it from 5 to 2. The automation is already active, and there are a significant number of people who are sat in the ‘wait for’ section. What will happen to these when I change the wait for time, will they be pushed straight into the automation, or will they skip the next step?

Hey @ratesetteraustralia,

If you adjust the wait action from 5 days down to 2 days, everyone in the wait step that has been waiting for more than 2 days will be “released” and proceed to the next action in the automation. Everyone under 2 days will wait until their 2 days are up and then released.

Sometimes when I am editing a live automation like this, I like to include a second wait action below that will “catch” everyone so I can inspect the queue and make sure everyone behaved the way I expected them to. Then I can delete that second wait action to release them on their merry way.

Hope that makes sense!


Hey there,

Biannca here from our CX team. I just wanted to update everyone and let those who come across this post that we have article on this, see modifying “Wait” action while contacts are queued on it.

  • Also keep in mind that you should make your automation inactive first > edit > reactivate the automation so that all changes are applied at once and do not cause these types of problems which we specify here https://screen.ac/xQuQ1yme from this article.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at help@activecampaign.com if you have any further questions.