Downgrade a Active campaign Subscription

Why is it so hard to downgrade a subscription in Active Campaign

I’m happy to get you in the right hands to downgrade. Unfortunately, we cannot assist you with billing on a public forum for security reasons. Please DM me with your activehosted account URL and best contact email.

I’ve received emails from at least 2 or 3 support persons, and I’ve attempted to reduce the number of seats associated with my account and the app states, its required to have an Activecampaign staff look at the request first.
Why does a ActiveCampaign staffer have to approve a reduction in my seat count , when its offered in the app interface ?
I simply wish to reduce my seat count by 2 dropping it to 1 user.
Im Crystal36225

Yes, our team would have to help you with this request. Do you have an open ticket number that I can help escalate?