Double-Opt-In Rate?


I am about to optimize my opt in rates. Since double-opt-in is mandatory in Germany the confirmation of the subscription is a huge step to optimize. Where can I see the rate of confirmations?
My workaround would be to segment active vs. unconfirmed contacts for a specicific period. But is there an easier way?


Hi Bernhard (@berauscher),

Another workaround that you could try is tagging the contacts, via an automation, once they subscribe. Then you can view the number of contacts that complete the automation in reporting.

Another thing you could try if you want the report to be more granular (and similar to what you are already doing) you could also do “submits form” as a trigger with 1 tag, then another automation with “subscribes to list” and add another tag. You could then compare those 2 tags for conversion rate.

Hope this helps,


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Hi Perry,

thanks, that’s creative :wink:

I guess I can do one of those workarounds and live with it.
But I would still love to see a number in percentage in a timeline in reports in the future.


Bernhard, absolutely!

I will relay the message to our team. If you would also like to let our product team know, you can submit your idea here.



Hey Bernhard,

Biannca here from our CX team. I just want to add on top what Perry said, we have a Form Performance report (you can read more about it here.

In this report, you will see Form Submission Trends for each form which will provide insights into the people who submit the form.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.