Does a Tag Triggered Automation add contacts already tagged?

Hi Folks,

We’re newbie Active Campaigners and will be starting our automations shortly.

We have a post-purchase automation that we DO NOT want our current customers receiving, only customers who have purchased for the first time. I’ve imported all the contacts who have previously purchased, tagging them with “purchase”. We plan on tagging first time purchasers with the same tag, which triggers the automation. When we turn the automation on, will all the current contacts with that tag enter the automation, or will the automation only start when the tag is newly added to a contact?


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Hi @recycledmats35062,

Given your automation is set up to start when a tag is added you do not need to worry about existing contacts with the tag entering the automation. Your contacts will ONLY enter that automation when that tag is added, ignoring contacts that previously have the tag.

Hopefully this helps!



In addition to what Shay mentions, I also usually employ one more “tactic”. In your example of having the tag “purchase” for all that have previously purchased. I usually will add an additional tag such as “purchase start”. That is the tag that I will actually use as the trigger for the automation. Then in the automation I will add the tag “purchase” and remove the tag “purchase start”.

This has come in handy multiple times for segmenting things out and making sure that the automation is triggered for who I want it to trigger, regardless of whether or not they had previously been through the automation or have the ‘final’ tag.


great idea! I’ll keep that trick up my sleeve for sure. Thanks @normsim !