Divi and Active Campaign

Hi there!
We are a brand new AC user. Formerly used Hubspot for the marketing platform integrated to Salesforce and our website (WordPress).
Now, we are using AC to replace only Hubspot and keep the rest.
We use Divi theme builder in WordPress. I am struggling to get two forms to work on our site because we use Divi. Any Divi users out there that have forms that work successfully with AC?

Specifically, I have a floating AC form that does not display because I don’t know where to put the embed code into Divi. Also, I have an inline form that I set up using an inline AC form but when I enter info to the fields, I get a subscribe error; so nothing goes to AC.

This my first post, so trying to find someone that has blazed the trail that I am on. It would be great if someone had some documentation about forms created in Divi using ActiveCampaign.

Many, many thanks!

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We’ve embedded many AC forms into our Divi site. Did you add the ActiveCampaign plugin for WordPress? This will allow you to add [shortcode] to embed a form.

But if you want more of a popup form, then I would suggest using Divi’s popup feature (Or use the Divi Popup plugin) on a Section and then embedding the form within a text module.

If wanting to use a floating form, then you should be able to just add a Divi Section, Row and Text module, then paste in the embed code for the floating form.

give that a try, let me know.

Hi there,

Just wondering - are either of you having issues with Divi and the activecampaign plugin? I’m finding that I’m unable to drag divi modules around. When I turn the activecampaign plugin off, the problem no longer persists.


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Hey Emily! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

When it comes to third party integrations, such as DIVI, the best way to get support is through their support channels. Since those are not part of our Native Integrations/ supported directly by us, we don’t have access to all the settings to provide you with the best assistance. That said, I found some documentation on their website that i believe might be really useful. To check it out, please click HERE. We encourage you to contact them when this type of issues come up and if something in needed from our end along the process, we’ll be more than happy to assist.