Different Tags on the same form based on link clicked

Is it possible to use one form on multiple locations (sites) and tag leads based on the site where they clicked on the link?
Say I have three sites and one form:
Leads coming from site 1 will get tagged: site 1
Leads coming from site 2 will get tagged: site 2
Leads coming from site 3 will get tagged: site 3

I want them to all go to the same list, using just one form, rather then one form for each site.

If this is possible, how do I do it?

Thank you

You’ve have to use 3 separate forms. Adding tags is built into the form code, so it can’t be customized. There may be a way to fill in a custom field (or a hidden field), but I haven’t figured that out how yet.

Hey prosuccess and pmctraining,

Biannca here from our CX team. I wanted to update this thread for anyone that comes across this post.

The suggestion from pmctraining’s about tagging contacts based on custom field can work with an automation running in the background.

This is how you would set it up:
You have a form and a custom Location field with these options:

  • Location 1
  • Location 2

Contact has selected “Location 1” and submitted the form.

There’s an automation running in the background with a series of If/Else actions and Tags. The contact meets the if/else condition > go down the YES path and gets tagged with “Location 1” tag and so on.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at help@activecampaign.com if you have any further questions.