Diferent fields in lists


I have a question for you.
I created a couple of lists and approx 15 different fields.
I would like to arrange my lists with a diferent fields. Example: In list A I would like to place a fields number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in a list B I would like to place a fields number 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and in list C I would like to place a fields number 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
I customized the field options (attached pic 1) and selected in which list should a certain field be available.
But when I open the list and select a fields which I want to be shown in a certain list, the changes are also reflected in all other lists (attached pic 2).

Please help me or guide me to solve my problem.

Thanks for your help,


Hi Iztok, I believe these are two completely separate mechanisms.

The first image you showed is the field advanced options - I believe this is more useful for APIs and integrations with ActiveCampaign.

Whereas the second image you added is the fields that are visible when you’re looking at contacts. This is managed with the cog icon in the top-right, and is not list-specific.