Delete contact from one list but not another

Hi all
How does one delete a contact from one list but not another?

I nav’d to lists, clicked the contact link from the lists list and deleted the contacts I wanted to and they’re gone from ALL lists.


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Hey Tim —

Here’s a little gif that should help:

Just go to the contact page of the contact you are trying to remove from a list. On the lower left-hand side, you’ll see the lists they are currently on. Click on the name of the list you want to remove them from. Once it expands, on mouse over, you’ll see the option to unsubscribe them.

Let me know if that was unclear or you need any additional guidance with this.

Hey Tim,

You deleted them from all lists because you selected “DELETE” - this actually removed the contact. What you need to do is select the contacts that you want to remove from the list by checking the box by their names. Click “EDIT” - this will pull up the bulk edit box. Select “REMOVE FROM LIST.” This will removed the selected contacts from that list only. Brian’s method works too, I just find the “bulk edit” function to be a bit faster.

Hope this helps.


Hi bwalston,
How can i use API to remove a contact out of list without deleting it? i cannot find a way to do with this here:

Hey dzung665,

Biannca here from our CX team. In the spirit of providing insight on this question, our API has changed to v3 and you can use this API call to unsubscribe the contact without deleting the list.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.