Deals Phases SLA

Is there a way to set specific time for each Phase of the Pipeline? And If the Lead is still in that phase after the period of time, Active notify someone per email?


Hi @brognolinegciosimobi,

Can you explain a little bit more about what you mean by “set a specific time for each phase of the pipeline?” What would be the use case for wanting to set a specific time for a phase of a pipeline?

Or are you asking if you can limit how long a lead spends in a pipeline, and if they exceed that time, you want a notification to be sent to someone?



I think it is more like a Service Level Agreement per each Phase of the Pipeline.

For example:

  • My first stage is to get in contact with the Lead, for that particular phase I need the owner of the lead to contact him in two hours. If this not happen it send and alert per email.
  • My secound page is to send an email with the best opportunities for that Lead, this should occur in maximum 1hour after the Lead started on that phase.

So my question is there a way to set a time period for each phase, so when it does not occur it alerts the Manager. Or is it possible to setup an automation for that?


Hi @brognolinegciosimobi,

Do you think something similar to the below would work?

The automation says:

  1. If a contact is in the “Prospecting” pipeline
  2. Notify X person with a message that says “Lead needs to be contacted in 2hrs”
  3. Then wait 2 hours
  4. If within 2hrs the contact is still in the “Prospecting” pipeline and is in the “Qualifying” stage send an email “Thanks for your patience, someone will be…” then notify X person again with a message that says “Respond immediately, lead has waited over 2 hrs” and then “End this automation”
  5. If they are not still in the “Prospecting” pipeline and in the “Qualifying” stage “End this automation”

I think this would work as a way to set a time period for each phase and alerting the Manager if it hasn’t, but let me know if it won’t.

