Day 20 | Make some (good) noise on social!

Remember Day 16, when we said, “Consumers get messages from ALL of their favorite brands on BFCM weekend, and their inboxes will be flooded…”

Here’s another reminder that you’ll need as much (good) noise as possible to help you stand out! :loudspeaker:

Cue: Social proof!

90% of customers say that online reviews influence their buying decisions. That’s why it’s so important to build up social proof.

Surveys are a great way to do that, as is user-generated content on social media. You might also consider rewarding contacts for sharing an email campaign on social media.

Offering a reward to contacts for sharing an email campaign:

  • Encourages contacts to spread the word about your business
  • Gives you an opportunity to grow your audience
  • Helps you convert more contacts to customers

To encourage contacts to share a specific campaign on social media, add a call-to-action (CTA) for social sharing to the bottom of the email. Make it clear that your contacts will be rewarded for sharing the email on social media with an exclusive offer, discount, or gift.

Let your customers amplify your efforts this BFCM with today’s Task of the Day!

Day 20 - Task of the Day:

Reward your contacts for sharing your email campaign on social media with the “Share a Campaign on Social Media” Incentive automation:

Here’s how the email campaign social share incentive automation recipe works:

  • The automation is triggered when a contact shares one of your email campaigns on social media.
  • The automation sends the contact an email thanking them for sharing your campaign. This email should include the email coupon or other promised incentive for sharing the campaign.
  • The automation ends.

Import this recipe:

  1. Navigate to the Automations tab.
  2. Click “Create an Automation” in the top right corner.
  3. Search for “social” and click “Share a Campaign on Social Media” Incentive and “Continue” to import the recipe.

  1. Modify with your offer.