Day 16 | Personalize with Dynamic Content

Consumers get messages from ALL of their favorite brands on BFCM weekend, and their inboxes will be flooded.

Recipients can easily ignore your emails if you’re not doing something to stand out. And even if they do open it, you only have a few seconds to peek their interest!

The solution: dynamic email. :incoming_envelope:

Dynamic content in email marketing describes any email content that changes based on the subscribers’ data, preferences, and behaviors.

So, you’d send out a marketing email to your entire database, but certain content modules within that email would be dynamic, changing based on a characteristic you determine.

Let’s say your company is an online shoe retailer, and you’re launching a Cyber Monday sale.

You prepare the copy and creative around the campaign, all of which are the same for each recipient. What changes are the specific products recommended (that’s the dynamic part).

The simplest example would be to segment by gender: men receive recommendations for male footwear, and vice versa.

With dynamic content, you can personalize specific aspects of an email—text, visuals, or calls to action—to target particular subscribers and increase engagement.

Day 16 - Task of the Day:

In ActiveCampaign, you can create dynamic email content within the email designer. Hover over any content block to display a gear button, then select “Make conditional” to begin.

activecampaign dynamic email formatting

Then, you will see a Conditional Content modal window. You can create multiple conditions to determine with whom to share this specific content. For instance, you can display content to subscribers in a particular country. Or you might show content based on a specific tag.

content modal showing dynamic content in emails

After setting your conditions, you can hover over your content block to see a pop-up stating the conditions set.

activecampaign dynamic email formatting

One content block can have multiple conditions for your subscribers to meet. Also, you can decide if your content will appear if all or any of the set conditions are met.

Have any questions? Let us know below!