Day 11 | Get the most out of your campaigns!

You now understand the six types of campaigns and their best use cases (Day 10).

Let’s now dive into how you can really make the most out of each campaign!

Start by thinking about what you want to achieve with your campaign.

You might want to generate sign-ups or boost awareness. Clear objectives like these will help you shape your messaging and strategy.

Next, remember to segment your audience.

Think back to Day 6, when we used our example of segmenting for online education courses.

Suppose you offer various online courses, from coding bootcamps to language classes. By segmenting your email list by interests or past course enrollments, you can send tailored messages that matter to your audience.

For example, you might send updates about advanced coding workshops to subscribers who have already taken beginner courses.

Don’t neglect your subject lines!

When it comes to subject lines, make them stand out! Grab the attention of your audience and make recipients eager to open your email.

And, don’t forget to personalize and automate where you can!

Address subscribers by name, but don’t stop there! Suggest products and services based on their previous interests to really make your campaign shine.

Make sure your emails look great where people see them: on mobile devices!

Since many people check their emails on their phones, ensure your content is easy to read and navigate on smaller screens. Responsive design is key!

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to running effective email campaigns that can drive sign-ups and engagement for your business.

Let’s put this into practice into today’s Task of the Day.

Day 11 - Task of the Day:

Include a personalization tag from one of the custom fields that you’ve set up in a campaign, beyond just a name! A few ideas include:

  • Referral Source (Mention how they found out about your brand.)
  • Location (Tailor the campaign to their region.)
  • Purchase History (Recommend similar products.)
  • Customer Status (Mention their membership level or loyalty status.)
  • Recent Activity (Refer to their recent interactions with your brand.)

Let us know your favorite personalization tag to reference!