"Date Unsubscribed" in Advanced Search

When using the “Advanced Search” feature to find Contacts based on specific criteria, the “Date Unsubscribed” feature makes no sense – it doesn’t allow me to specify which list for which to pull the unsub date!

I want to find users who have unsubbed from a specific list. Suggestions?

Hi there @christianitytoday!
At this time, the “date unsubscribe” condition doesn’t allow you to choose the specific list. I definitely recommend that you post this suggestion on our ideas page at ideas.activecampaign.com because I agree this would be a very useful feature.

A workaround would be to view the specific list using the List tab in the left menu. Once the list is chosen, you can sort that list by status and choose “Unsubscribed”. It won’t present the unsubscribe date within the list, but you can click on the individual contact and view the date from your contact record.
I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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