Custom fields in Accounts list

Hey guys! Is it just me who feel frustrated not being able to show custom fields in Accounts list?

Market automation is made by communicating with individuals (Contacts in AC), sure. But in B2B businesses, the Company (Account in AC) is the actually customer. You need to be able to overview and effectively manage your customers (Accounts) in your CRM, right?

ActiveCampaign doesn’t let you show custom fields in list view.

Can any B2B company user of ActiveCampaign out there please share how they manage their company customers?

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I completely agree! This is one of the big needed functionality areas in AC in my opinion. We are just getting started, so no operational experience yet with our implementation. (We use Dynamics 365 integration to sync contact data; initiate AC campaigns through the AC api; pass automation status info back to D365 through webhooks.) I gave up on using the AC account record altogether. My current workaround is to add custom fields to the contact record in D365, and pull down relevant data for automation from the contact’s D365 parent account inside D365, and then include those data in the sync to AC. One latent problem: since you can’t cc to a second contact on sent emails, where we have 2 contacts on an account (we’re a financial planning firm and couples, i.e. 2 contacts on an account, are very common) we are planning to send messages to both. In cases where we are trying to automate them scheduling an annual meeting with us, and we include a Calendly link in the email, we’re going to depend on the 2 contacts not taking redundant/conflicting actions… But clearly AC so far has not truly tackled the issue of an account being paramount, even if we are messaging individual contacts. Very glad you posted.

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Hey Griff,
Thank you so much for sharing your challenges in such details. Very interesting to read. I hope AC include a B2B mindset in the future development.

In the meantime, feel free to vote and comment on this idea:

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