Custom field with api


I use Skyvia with Activecamaign, it is tool that can export data to a sql.
Is is really perfect, but i want to find custom fields of contacts and what i see is custom fields are not exported. Just a link like this :

Is is really strange, i don’t know what i can do with that :frowning: If i want to make query by a special field, i don’t know how i can do.

Thanks for your help.

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I have the excact same problem!!


Array of fields and values to filter by. You can filter using personalization tags or tag IDs. E.g. filters[fields][12]=value

However developers are working on a bug with filters and contacts.


I’m struggling to make my calls to return filtered results with filters[fields][FIELD_ID]=value
Could anyone provide a working solution or confirm if it currently works or not?
goldrushtechnologypt mentions there was a bug with filters. Is there a place to check if it was fixed or not? And what was the actual bug?


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Has this been fixed, still doesn’t seem to work in v3? Or is there a workaround?

Hi @osteostrongatx! I’ve pinged a member of our Developer team to look into this for you. Thanks for your patience!

Hello @osteostrongatx,

Filters for Custom Field values with the Contacts API is not currently supported. For a list of filters that do work with this endpoint, please refer to the documentation.

I am happy to offer a work around that may help with this. The Custom Field Values endpoint does support filtering based on the values. The workaround is to make your call to this endpoint, being sure to add the include parameter to include the owner field. What this does is include the owner object (in this case, the Contact associated that ‘owns’ that fieldValue) for each matching result for your filtered request.

Please see the following example. In this example the fieldId for the field you are filtering on is 1 and the value you are filtering for is green:[fieldid]=1&filters[val]=green&include=owner

I hope this workaround is helpful!

Thank you,