Cumulative Report of Contact Engagement in an Automation

Is there a report (export) that lists all contact in an Automation and has columns for each email and indicates “opened” or not for each contact and each email in the Automation.

Hi @ltwg

We don’t have a current solution for your request, but I highly encourage you to submit this to our feedback forum.

Here is the reporting section:

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Hey ltwg, Biannca here from our CX team.

It’s still not currently possible to generate a report to list all contacts in an Automation and to indicate if the email has been opened/unopened for each contact.

However, there is a workaround using our Advanced search segmentation feature. It’s essentially two conditions 1) “Currently in automation” and 2) Has opened/Has not opened X like this

Once you’ve hit “Search” you can export this data and utilise external spreadsheet tools like Google Sheets to manipulate the data.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.