Creating Monday Morning Automation

I want to create an automation that triggers as follows:

1- They sign-up and an hour get their welcome email (already have that part dialed in)

2- Once #1 has happened, I want them to get weekly emails (from this built once automation, not campaigns) every Monday morning. I currently have the the condition set for the users day and time (Monday and 9AM), followed by the second email getting sent.

3- So I I need to then put a wait for a few days and then repeat the two conditions? Thats a lot of work to repeat every week. I mean, I only have to build it once, but still. Is there no way to simply say, once the welcome has been sent, from that point forward- send an email every Monday?

Thanks for your time, its appreciated

Hi Bob,

I think you’ll have to repeat those conditions for every week. The good news is that you can just drag and it drop it down to the new node and select “Copy” so you don’t have to continually set the conditions over and over.

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Oh, didnt know about the drag function. Thanks for the quick reply!

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I had something like this going. The problem was that if AC had a delay of more than an hour and it was10am instead of the desired 9am, AC would wait until the following week for the next Monday at 9am to happen.

So far so good, firing off as intended

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