Creating forms without email fields

How do I create a form in ActiveCampaign that doesn’t require an email field and automatically associates the form submission with the subscriber?

They will have clicked a link in an email we sent, so capturing their email again is pointless and reduces the chances of them completing the form. I just want their response saved and associated with them.

How do I do this?

Hi there, Amy from ActiveCampaign’s Customer Experience Team. We’re just refreshing our forum page and I wanted to add some help here for anyone who comes across this page/question/post.

All forms built by ActiveCampaign require an email field to be included. There is no alternative option to this though it would be awesome to see this implemented as a future feature. I would highly recommend that you share this idea here as our developers are always looking to ways to improve the platform for our users.

As a workaround you can build a form with a prefilled field. This means that when you send campaigns with embedded form links, the email address will already be filled out - allowing your contacts to avoid having to re-enter their email address, or worse a different email address.

Here’s the setup:

  • Build an ActiveCampaign form
  • Create the query string using the format: ?fieldname=%PERSONALIZATION-TAG%

If you want to pre-fill multiple fields, then your query string will have this format (note the “&” between each field name):


Continuing with the example above, here is a query string that will pre-fill the first name and email address fields on a form:


  • Append the query string to the form URL

Once you create your query string, you can add it to the end of the URL path of your webpage or form URL.

  • This works with inline forms only
  • You can add the query string to the end of the form’s URL path then share or use the Form’s URL however you like.

To retrieve the URL for your inline form:

  1. From your ActiveCampaign account, click Website.
  2. Click the “Edit design” button for the form you want to work with.
  3. Click the “Integrate” button.
  4. Click the “Link” tab.

The Form’s link will look something like this: (sample link, don’t click)

  1. Next, add the query string to the end of the form’s link.

As an example, I want to pre-fill the email address on my ActiveCampaign form. To do so, I would format the form URL like this: (sample link, don’t click)

Once the query string is added to your form’s link, you can share it anywhere you wish such as via an embedded link within a button in your campaign.

Here is our related help article.

Any questions or additional ideas, thread them below!