Create an Automation ACTION for tracking # of Contacts who passed througth?

See the automation below.

I’d like to be able to see how many folks went through a certain event/Action. GOAL doesn’t do the trick b/c it only tracks if they JUMP to the Goal (meeting Goal criteria). Only other solution I see is “Add to List” or some sort of Flag.

Any other ideas?

Another similar Use Case would be :
How can I have a Goal “triggered” just by passing through that point (not meeting the criteria) ?

One Kludge would be to have a Tag ( GotAllCourseEmails) and then make the Goal triggered on that.


Hi Clay (@bungalowsoftware),

I was going to suggest applying a tag to the folks that went through a certain event/action prior to reaching the goal. You can later remove that tag if you only want it applied for a specific time frame.

So, you had the right idea with the “GotAllCourseEmails” tag.


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