Count discrepancies between API V1 and reports

We’re using the API V1 campaign_report_unopen_list and campaign_report_open_list to get the actual contacts the campaigns were sent to. However, there is a 20%-30% gap in the total count between what we’re getting from the API and the count we’re seeing on the campaign report, regardless to when we’re calling these endpoints.
For instance, if a campaign is showing 30k contacts on the campaign page (both the open and not-opened lists on the[campaign_id]/opens, the total unique email addresses we’re getting from the endpoints are 22K.
Is this a bug somewhere? Clearly, one of the reports, either the website or the API is wrong.

Seems like I found the problem. Apparently, since the deployment of “Apple Privacy opens” (MPP), the contacts who are listed as such openers are not counted as “real” openers or unopeners, and thus are not part of the open or unopen API, and don’t appear in advanced search for “open” or “unopen”. IMHO, this is a design flaw. Any thoughts of bypassing it? How do we get the full list of recipients in an autmated way?

Have just realised, we’re having the same issue…

Same issue. We need to see the Apply Privacy opens as well, but cannot access them via webhooks or API, only by manual downloads per each campaign. This is a critical business need for us. Have you found any workarounds since this topic was first posted?