Contacts who reply from a different email address?

Sometimes when sending to a company, I’ll get a response from a different address than what I initially sent it to. Or the contact doesn’t reply to my email directly, but instead sends me a new email in response. Do these get tracked? I have an automation that is based around responses, and I want to ensure that my follow up email won’t get sent if one of the mentioned scenarios occurs.

I don’t have the reply tracking turned on and don’t want to use that feature, so if this is what solves this issue please let me know. Thanks!

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If reply tracking is turned on, when someone hits reply, the reply to address is a unique address for that campaign and contact. The email then gets routed to the actual email address. That redirect through a unique email address we control is how we know a reply has occurred.

Replies will only be tracked if you have reply tracking turned on and replies will only be tracked if the response is sent through the unique tracking email address that is generated for the contact.

Let me know if you have any other questions about this.

So will contacts who reply from a different email address be receiving my follow up emails?

A contact who replies from a different email address will still have their reply tracked as long as it is routed through a reply tracking email address we generate.