Contacts sorted in reverse chronological order (most recent first)

Hi guys,

The contacts list is now sorted by default in alphabetical order.
The bigger your list, the less useful this is.

On the other hand, I find myself frequently coming to this list to see information about the last people who subscribed (usually people who fill out the contact form on our website). I need to click the Date Added column head twice, every single time I come to this page.

Is there a way (for you, the developers of AC or for me) to have this list sorted by most recent first?




I would also find this very usefull. First thing I do in contactsā€™ list is sort by latest subscription.


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Yup - this would be very handy.

Even better would be the ability to define what you want as the default view. And for settings to persist. But this would be a good start.

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+1 for this. I almost always do this every time I login. I am considering making my own automation with Keyboard Maestro just to save me the extra clicks.

I want this, too. How do I ā€˜Likeā€™ this? Canā€™t find a button . . .

Hi @netlogiq, @pogledi, @Ian_Brodie, @thymefordesign1, & @stevenkessler!

Great thread all :)!

This is a pretty popular request, and Iā€™d love for all of you to shower this feedback item with your upvotes :slight_smile:

I have just found a recent topic about this here

Please upvote there.

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I would LOVE this too!

Chiming in four years later to this, but there is a new ā€œideaā€ forum for things like this.
I found this one idea that needs some votesā€¦

Sort Contacts By Default

Also, if there is another similar idea already started with more votes let me know so I can vote for that one.

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Hi @bearcityimpact, thank you for sharing a link to! Our Product team regularly reviews the ideas in the queue (and the more upvotes it has, the higher a priority it becomes!).

Necroposting here but there are no fewer than 10 ideas on your current ideas subdomain requesting this, since the previous feature request site is dead.

Iā€™d personally like to know under what circumstances ANYONE would ever want their contact list sorted by email address which is the default order of the Contacts views.

Setting this view by some form of customer preference be it last used, user set or a combination of both. Also, the initial default would more likely make sense to be either last added or last changed. I could go 50/50 on that but when I click on my contacts view I want to see recent activity and contacts first an in no way would want to see those (initially) sorted by email address. Iā€™m guessing this is done because email address is a unique field and itā€™s indexed. But if the view is coming back and sorted in the UI via JavaScript, there is zero reason to leave it as is.

As someone whoā€™s been in software development, UX and product for nearly 15 years, I canā€™t clearly express to you how irritating the poor use of feature voting software is for customers. It does two really bad things:

  1. It provides the illusion that if someone posts a good feature request there and enough folks vote on it it is likely to get done when for the vast majority of folks it will never be fulfilled.

  2. Often customers canā€™t distinguish between feature they ask for and the real problem to be solved.

In case 1, when not actively interacting with people submitting feature requests and managing similar or identical requests, people will stop using it because you quickly learn itā€™s where you feedback goes to die.

In case 2, you can potentially make your software less usable because a vocal minority have all jumped onto a feature that may only be a facet or a workaround to a larger issue.

So totally agree! One of the most aggravating things. We should be able to choose the default search we prefer.

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this is an old thread but checking back in here as having to sort by ā€˜date createdā€™ (every time I navigate to contacts is hella mundane). in my opinion, this should be the default. However, the ability to save a default sort preference would likely be everyoneā€™s favorite option.

Hi @studenthousingworks! Hailey from ActiveCampaign.

I am happy to share that most of these ideas shared in the original post were released in April of 2022, and the last view based on your sort should remain when you revisit the page, so you shouldnā€™t need to continuously ā€˜re-sortā€™. However, the sort order is ā€œstoredā€ within your browser, so if you use multiple computers or browsers, that could be one reason why you would need to pick the sort order a second time. If you are experiencing something different, weā€™d love to hear more details and submit a ticket to our team so we can investigate further.