We recently uncovered an issue in regards to some of our opt-ins: when clients have marked an email as spam, they are added to a Support Level exclusion list. If they opt back in at a later time, they are not automatically removed from said list, leading to them not receiving campaigns, nor order/event confirmations. Unless the client in question personally reaches out to us there’s no way of knowing they’re:
- having issues with receiving our campaigns and
- on the AC internal Exclusion List (you can only look up your own personal account Exclusion List).
For them to be removed, we have to contact AC’s Customer Support team and offer proof of their desire to be resubscribed (which, again, is only possible if they take the effort to let us know about the issue).
This flow should be corrected to following the same process as when someone unsubscribes: if the client resubscribes at a later time, that should automatically confirm their desire to receive our campaigns and remove them from the spam-triggered Exclusion List.
Please help us resolve this issue by voting here: https://ideas.activecampaign.com/ideas/AC-I-23783
With love,
systemically, if they already spammed you, why would you want to risk taht again?
Hi Robert, good question
Subscribing to our newsletters is a very visible and well-communicated process, meaning there’s no way to accidentally subscribe to our campaigns. If I client decides to mark us as spam after signing up, that’s an odd thing to do in itself, but of course entirely their choice (which we respect). However, if that same client wishes to resubscribe at a later time, I don’t see any risk in allowing that (same flow as unsubscribe/resubscribe). If anything, they’re indicating we are in fact not spam.
The fact that that’s not possible is a glitch in the system, and unfortunately goes beyond regular campaigns. We have multiple cases where such clients also no longer receive automated emails, like for example order confirmations after purchase. We are currently looking into this, but the spam-triggered Exclusion List seems to be the only common factor so far. Also, clients who do take the effort to contact us about not receiving our campaigns are naturally very malcontent about that, since they’re actively (re)subscribing.
Our request is mostly driven by a customer service/experience oriented focus, making sure everything runs as it should, optimising our customer journey.
Hope this answers your question. Have a lovely day,
Update: the not receiving of automated emails (order/event confirmations) is the result of a double protective measure, both from our end as well as AC. We’re currently looking into this and normally we’ll be able to resolve this through our own system (this specific issue was one of our biggest concerns), leaving only the not receiving of campaigns after resubscribing as an open issue.