Contact/list not working

I’m trying to get contacts that have a tag through the API, but I’m always getting “Nothing is returned”

$data = array(
        'filters[tagname]' => 'test',
$contacts = $ac->api("contact/list", $data);

Should it work?

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Hey @edicionesdelserbal70,

You are also including the required parameters like api_action and api_key? I will check with our tech team and see if there are any known issues.

I would suggest opening a ticket with support to have them take a look as well -


Yes, credentials are valid!

Hmmm, that definitely sounds like something you would want to bring up with support then!

Yep, i’m getting this exact same problem… Did you ever resolve this @edicionesdelserbal70?

So that we can best assist please send us an email at with the API call being made (endpoint, body and response). Also here are the URLs to our Open API library:
API Overview

ActiveCampaign Customer Experience Team