Contact Forms and Opt-ins


We currently use Active Campaign web forms to get visitors to subscribe and opt-in to our newsletter, enter them into an autoresponder sequence, various automations, whatever etc… that’s all good.

But, we’re wondering if we can make the process a little more seamless for folks who contact us first through our website which is WordPress based and uses the Contact 7 plugin (we could also use Gravity Forms if that helps).

Currently they submit their name, email address, subject line and their query message using the Contact7 web form. We reply to their query and also provide a link to encourage them to subscribe to our (Active Campaign based) newsletter.

If they do click the link, they get to our Active Campaign subscription web form. They then have to enter their name and email address again which they’ve previously done on the website contact7 form and so is not so slick as it could be.

Can we replace the Contact7 form with an Active Campaign form that allows them to contact us with their query without them having to subscribe and double opt-in at that point and so we can just reply to their query. Then if they click the "yes I’d like to subscribe to the newsletter’ link contained in our reply email, they get double opted-in without having to re-enter their details…

Hope that makes sense and looking forward to any responses…

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Yes, you can do this!

Use either the ActiveCampaign form or GravityForms. Create a custom field for the List they will be added to. The custom field will be a checkbox:

Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter?
[ ] Yes please!

You’ll also need a custom field for the message body.

Then create an ActiveCampaign form with name, email, message, newsletter checkbox.

Next, create an Automation based on that form submit. In the Automation, use an If/Else condition to check if the custom field for newsletter is Yes please! If Yes, add your Newsletter tag. If No, End Automation (or proceed with other Automation steps for your Contact Us handling.

Hope that makes sense.



Hi Ed

Thanks for that…

I guess that would be a one-time opportunity to subscribe (or not) though at a point when they are maybe just making an initial enquiry and not yet prepared to subscribe to a newsletter… (which is more likely to be the case once we’ve replied to them)

If they do not check the newsletter checkbox, then when we reply to their query (and there may be a series of back and forth replies) our email would include our “Subscribe to our newsletter” link in our email signature.

If they click that link, can they then either be sent the double opt-in confirmation email (most seamless I guess) or be sent to the newsletter subscription form but with their name and email already filled in so that all they have to do is hit the Subscribe button… (at least they don’t have to re-enter their details)…and then get the double opt-in confirmation email.

Again, I hope that makes sense…


I second D_P’s reply… anyone?

Sorry for late reply…

You could include that “subscribe to our newsletter” link in your follow-up emails and actually have that link click trigger an automation that adds them to your Newsletter List or Tags them as subscribing to your newsletter. No need for them to give you their email again. And what’s great, you could get fancy and use AC’s Conditional Content inside your emails and only display that “sign up for our newsletter” link to those contacts that don’t have the Newsletter Subscribed Tag (or whatever criteria you use).



Hey Ed - thank you for your subsequent reply - much appreciated…

You’ve given me enough food for thought to go and have a play with setting this up and I’ll see where I get.

Thanks again for taking the time…


Hey Ed,

Is it possible to set this up for people that are not subscribed to a certain list?
We keep track of the different newsletters with lists. So want to set it up like this:

If contact isn’t subscribed to list show content: Hey subscribe to our newsletter.



Hey Cor! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!
When it comes to conditional contact, it is a great way to filter info for your contacts. Here are the list of rules that you can base on to create the conditional content:

  • Contact fields and tags
  • Deal fields
  • Account fields
  • Ecommerce fields
  • Events you made under Event Tracking
  • Contact’s Geolocation, IP address, ID number, date and time the contact subscribed, and list subscription
  • Here is a great video that dives into conditional content that I believe might be super helpful: HERE.