Contact form automation

We currently have a contact form where our support team replies to the user who sent in their inquiry via the contact form.

Is there a way to do this in activecampaign where

  1. the user fills in the contact form
  2. our support team receives the email
  3. support team replies via email to the sender

or is there a better automation sequence we can do with activecampaign?

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Hello there! This can be accomplished with an automation, my suggestion is that the trigger would be ‘form is submitted’ then you can send a notification email to your team inside the automation, containing the contact profile and the form fields.

From there you can create a task for an email to be sent or have this task be sent in the notification email as well.

If you have any other questions on this topic or any other issue you can contact us anytime at Contact ActiveCampaign - Support and Sales

ActiveCampaign Customer Experience Team.