Contact filters[updated_after] is using Central Time Zone

After a few hours I think I’ve established something and I want to verify it with the ActiveCampaign developers. In the REST 3 API, when you filter on updated_after, it is using Central Time Zone, and the parameter will ignore UTC formatted dates.

Is this correct? If you pass Zulu time to the API in this parameter it ignores the time zone and just queries for everything that happened after 12:46 Central time.

  • Forward an ISO 8601 Date/Time: filters[updated_after]=2021-01-03T12:46:00.000Z

  • The API will understand this as a CST time at 12:46 PM: filters[updated_after]=2021-01-03T12:46


  • Is there a Time Zone preference for the account that drives this? Or, is it just a function of your AWS, Google, Azure servers being run in some central time zone locale?

  • Can you add the ability to parse the ISO 8601 format such that other time zones can be understood?

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Hi! I’m trying to track down some answers for you. I’ll give you an update as soon as I learn more!

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hi @dneal, is there any update on this pls?

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