Contact bulk import API & updating contacts when email change

Hello, I’m responsible for integrating a third-party application with Active Campaign. Our client wants all its contact data to be periodically synced from a third-party database into AC. This database is the source of truth and has contacts in the tens of thousands.
For this, I’m using the bulk import API but I’m facing a problem, AFAIK the bulk import API uses as the primary key the contact email (for selecting whether to insert or update a contact), so if a user in our application changes email, the bulk import will just create a new contact for the same user instead of updating the email (this is undesirable).

Is there a way I can specify another identifier for a contact in the bulk import? (like a custom field maybe, or the contact internal ID as it’s returned by other contact APIs) Or some workaround to this based solely on the API? (I would not be happy to track this in my code)
Also, the bulk import is very suitable for my problem due to the magnitude of the contacts, I could use the update contact API but it would generate a lot of calls and doesn’t seem a good idea.

Thanks in advance

@traffgen1694166225 I’m also looking for a solution for the same. Did you found any solution?

@activatecare16947545 Oh sorry for the delay (I thought this would send a notification).
I’ve just ended tracking it in my code, maintaining a list of matching email-id and when the email changes I exclude it from the bulk import call and I do single updates, updating also the email. Not perfect but does the job.